BIOLMIEL 2023 Press Release
BIOLMIEL 2023 edition, held the 7th and 8th December 2023 in Bari (Italy), have seen the participation of 53 beekeepers with 184 samples altogether, coming from Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain, with the largest representatives from Italy, with 83 samples, and Greece, with 61. As in previous editions the International Jury was made up of 12 members, all part of the National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey, both Italian and foreigners, evaluating the samples under the supervision of the Panel Leader Gian Luigi Marcazzan to award BIOLMIEL Quality Medals in the monofloral and polyfloral categories. Were eliminated from the Quality Medals honeys with a HMF > 10 ppm or higher than 15 ppm for honey harvested since more than 6 months, and those with a water content > 18%.
The event was organized by BIOLITALIA in cooperation with CREA-AA (Bologna, Italy) and with the sponsorship of ICEA – Istituto di Certificazione Etica e Ambientale.
The certificates of participation or of Quality Award were sent to all participants, together with the Analysis Reports on HMF and water content carried out by CREA-AA, and with the lists of awarded medals.
Best monofloral honeys were a Greek thyme by the beekeeper Emmnouil Maounis, followed by a strawberry tree (Arbutus undedo) honey by the Sardinian beekeper Arbaree, while on the third position we find another Italian reference by the Lombardy beekeeper Apicoltura Zipoli, with a dandelion honey.
The first two positions for the best polyfloral honey went to two beekeepers from Basilicata with two mountain polyfloral, respectively to the first position taken by Con.Pro.Bio. Lucano followed by Apicoltura Serra del Prete, while the third position was awarded to a polyfloral by another Basilicata beekeeper, Antonio Campagna.
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